Explore the differences between Data Warehouse, Data Lake, and Data Lakehouse.

Uncover step-by-step implementation and orchestration techniques for constructing impactful data pipelines that drive informed decision-making.

Explore the differences between Data Warehouse, Data Lake, and Data Lakehouse.

Dimensional modeling is one of the key concepts in data warehouse design. Learn about it to run queries and retrieve information.

Leverage the power of Databricks to set up a secure cloud environment to process, analyze and visualize big data.

Build a cloud-agnostic data platform that can run seamlessly in any cloud environment. Become data-driven organization.

Which cloud provider to choose? Introduction and comparison of key features.

Read this article to know what to look out for and how to handle huge telco data so you can monetize it.

Auto Loader is a feature that allows to quickly ingest data from Azure Storage. Check out our tutorial and use its potential.